Environmental Photos

 Samantha Hines is the director of LBCC’s Library and Learning Center. Director Hines has been working in library services since 1993. Her original degree path was in Political Science. She received her master's degree in 2003 and was a librarian for 15 years before venturing into the administrative side of library staff. She was working as a librarian for the University of Montana College of Technology in Missoula in 2011 when the director of an affiliate community college library decided to retire. This opened up the opportunity for Hines’ first experience in a director's position. 

What does a director do though? Here at LBCC Samantha Hines is the heart of the library and our librarians are the face. Director Hines is responsible for budgets, spreadsheets, interviews and being a voice on many of the committees that make important decisions to college policies and procedure and affordibility of educational resources to students. An example of this is the textbook affordability commitee. Currently this commitee is working hard to reduce the use of expensive textbook as required class materials. This means the committee is trying to convince educators to change their courses to reflect more accessable and affordable educactional text and sources. This might mean a whole restructure for some professor but it would mean that instead of that two hundred dollar text book as required reading material a class might require a cheaper alternative. 

Director Hines has the students best interest at heart, she dedicated 15 years as a librarian which also included  teaching students directly. If Director Hines could no longer find work in her current position or as an educator she would consider working for a non profit. 

In her free time, you’ll find her outdoors biking designated bike trails, maybe practicing yoga, or enjoying a science fiction novel. 

Photos of Library Director Samantha Hines, The heart of the library, has thirteen years of directorial experience and over thirty-one  years of experience working in libraries. Prioritizing student education and well-being on campus. Taken in the LBCC Library Stacks, October 30th, 2024


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