It’s an Update


  It’s been six weeks into a second term at LBCC, and I’ve felt like a chicken with my head cut off. I’ve been aimlessly running about throwing strategies and plans for success and hoping they stick. Truth be told it’s been a term of just trying to keep up which has made outside artistic or journalistic endeavors almost non existent. 

 My saving grace in this regards is my intro to drawing class. This class so far has really challenge my understanding of perspective, design composition and patience. The body of work I’ve created this far for this class is confusing to say the least. I have no idea if I’m improving or if I’m just “faking it, till I make it”. Some pieces are like wow I can do that and others are defined as “that’s a choice” an expression my husband and I say when we’re negatively judging what we or someone else has chosen to do. 

  With that said here is the chronological portfolio for the art I’ve been working on for the class. 

The focus for the first drawing was a demonstration of  pattern, Asymmetrical, lines, and negative space. We then submitted a larger drawing demonstrating negative space. 

I could use up a ton of time and space to write about every drawing and what techniques we were working on when that assignment was assigned. For the interest of my own desires, I’m not going to do that. Feel free to write a comment about what techniques you think are being demonstrated if you’ve got the time. I personally just want to share my art made for the class or inspired to draw because of the class. I’m also curious if you’d be able to determine which is which without my assistance. Either way Enjoy! 

There are 3 and 1/2 photos in the mix that were not assignments I wonder if you know the drawings that did not get submitted for a grade. Also based on these drawing what do you think my current grade is for the class?


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